May 4, 2023

ESports Betting History

Esports betting is a growing trend. The esports betting industry is expected to continue experiencing significant growth in the coming years, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to more people embracing online platforms, including betting. Some key trends and drivers of growth in esports betting include the dominance of certain esports titles such as CS:GO and the Intel Extreme Masters tournament , increased investment in esports, and the growing number of online esports betting platforms. However, it is important to note that betting can be risky and it is vital to bet responsibly.



Esports betting has a relatively short history compared to traditional sports betting, with the first esports bets being placed on games like Starcraft and Dota 2 around ten years ago. However, the industry has been rapidly growing in recent years and is expected to continue growing in the future. As more people are introduced to esports and gaming in general, it is predicted that the popularity of esports betting will continue to grow. Additionally, as more states and countries legalize online betting, the esports betting market is expected to become more regulated and structured, leading to greater accountability and potentially lower risks for consumers. However, as with any form of betting, there are risks involved and it is important to bet responsibly.

According to various sources, some of the most popular esports games for betting include:

1. League of Legends 

2. CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)

3. Dota 2

4. Overwatch

5. Call of Duty

These esports titles have established themselves as some of the most popular and widely-watched esports competitions, making them top targets for esports betting. However, the popularity of individual games may vary depending on factors such as region and the availability of events to bet on. It is also important to note that esports betting comes with inherent risks, and it is essential to bet responsibly.